
My relationship is not like before, ¿are we in trouble?

Being in a relationship is not always easy, it goes over a lot of changes and we confuse them with thinking that everything is over, or that we have problems because we no longer feel that same desire or “passion” for the other person. Today I will tell you a bit about my experience about …

Courtship to marriage, a difficult transition to achieve?

In today’s world many people no longer believe in marriage, the subject is worn out and the mentality is, let’s live together and if it does not work, everyone goes by their side. There are still people who believe in the institution of marriage, I am one of them, thank God I have already had …

New year resolutions, Always the same?

We started 2018 and with a new year come new goals, new challenges, new resolutions, or will you be dragging resolutions of years ago? Every year that starts, it is common to say phrases like: This year I will lose weight This year I will study This year I will look for that promotion at …

Discipline, Impossible to accomplish?

When we hear the word discipline we think of something that will be difficult or almost impossible to achieve, and in many cases is due to the paradigms that have been taught to us. There is a person that has impacted me in their way of speaking about the discipline, I imagine many of you …